Republican Ally Seifried (left) and Democrat Jennifer Esau (right) will speak with Dr. Juliet Evusa’s President’s Leadership Class about leadership. Seifried will speak with the class Wednesday, Oct. 12, and Esau will address the class Wednesday, Oct. 19. Both women are seeking to represent Senate District 2 in northeast Oklahoma.
Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class will welcome two guest speakers in the coming weeks who will speak to the students about the qualities of leadership.
Republican Ally Seifried and Democrat Jennifer Esau, both seeking to represent Senate District 2 in northeast Oklahoma, will speak to the class at 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12, and 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 19, respectively. Both sessions will take place in the performance studio in Baird Hall on RSU’s Claremore campus.
Ally Seifried is a ninth-generation Oklahoman with family roots dating back to the 1850s. She grew up in Claremore and played basketball on the Rogers State University women’s basketball team, earning a degree in political science. Her family owns eight small businesses and is familiar with the challenges faced by business owners. An experienced marketing and communications professional, she formerly worked at the state Capitol for Sen. Dan Newberry.
Jennifer Esau has been an educator at Claremore Public Schools for more than 20 years. She is currently a special education teacher at Will Rogers Junior High and was previously at Claremont Elementary and Westside Elementary. She serves on the board of directors for the Oklahoma Education Association, representing northeast Oklahoma, and is the current president of the Claremore Classroom Teachers Association. She holds a Bachelor of Science from the University of Tulsa and a master’s degree in special education from OSU-Tulsa.
Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class is a four-year scholarship program designed to develop students’ leadership skills and enhance their academic experience. PLC provides an environment for a select number of exceptional RSU students to foster their personal and professional development.
For more information about Seifried and/or Esau’s visit or to learn more about RSU’s President’s Leadership Class, contact Dr. Juliet Evusa at [email protected].