Ten new Rogers State University students were inducted into the Sigma Beta Delta (SBD) Honor Society. SBD is an honor society which recognizes academic achievement among students in the fields of business, management and administration.

Business professor Dr. Tom Carment welcomed students to the RSU Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society at a ceremony held April 30.
The Rogers State University chapter of the Sigma Beta Delta Honor Society welcomed 10 students in an induction ceremony held April 30.
Sigma Beta Delta is an international scholastic honor society that recognizes academic achievement among students in the fields of business, management and administration.
Spring 2024 inductees included Geoffrey Scott Adams of Shawnee; Wallace C. Barrows of Dewey; Robert Edward Case, III, of Claremore; Sage Anne Elzo of Skiatook; Macayla Anne Enman of Osawatomie, Kansas; Alexandra Suzanne Evans-Sanders of Broken Arrow; Deborah Lynn Long of Pawhuska; James Duke McIlvane of Claremore; Riley Keith Pearce of Verdigris; and Wendy Lea Woody of Chouteau-Mazie.
To qualify for Sigma Beta Delta, students must rank in the top 20 percent of their class and have completed at least half their coursework toward a business-related degree.
Sigma Beta Delta was created as a business honor society for institutions with regional accreditation and has established more than 400 chapters in the United States and internationally. Sigma Beta Delta provides an opportunity for RSU faculty to confer international recognition on qualifying students based on their outstanding academic achievements. RSU’s chapter was established in 2005.
For information about degree opportunities in RSU’s Department of Business, visit www.rsu.edu/business.