Rogers State University student Lucy Redmond, a medical/molecular biology senior from Jenks, recently won first place at Research Day at the Capitol, a statewide competition highlighting undergraduate research at Oklahoma’s colleges and universities. Pictured at her awards presentation are, from left: Sen. Marty Quinn, her parents Tamara and John Redmond, Redmond, Rep. Mark Lepak, and Dr. Jim Ford, RSU Director of Academic Enrichment.
A Rogers State University senior earned a first-place award during Research Day at the Capitol, a statewide event showcasing Oklahoma’s top undergraduate researchers.
Lucy Redmond, a medical/molecular biology senior from Jenks, won first place and a $500 prize in the regional university and community college category during Research Day at the Capitol, held March 27-28 in Oklahoma City.
Redmond along with 25 other Oklahoma college students presented their research during a poster session on March 27, with the winners recognized during a ceremony at the capitol the following day. Prior to the awards ceremony, students visited one-on-one with members of the State Legislature to discuss their research.
Redmond’s research focused on obesity control using microRNAs, which are small, non-coding RNA molecules found in plants and animals. She studied how microRNA impacted triglyceride concentration in fruit flies and identified microRNAs that caused significant change in fat by almost a 50% increase and a 100% decrease when compared against the control. Redmond’s faculty advisor for the research was RSU Assistant Biology Professor Dr. Jin Seo.
Redmond said she chose to focus on obesity because the condition has drastically increased with the ready availability of processed food and high-fat commodities. Obesity has a myriad of health implications such as heart disease, diabetes, and strokes, and it effects both those who require treatment and taxpayers who subsidize healthcare for the obese, she noted in her presentation.
Redmon is a member of the RSU Honors Program and Dr. Jim Ford, RSU’s Director of Academic Enrichment, accompanied her at the awards presentation.
“We’re all tremendously proud of Lucy’s accomplishment,” Ford said. “This just shows the amazing research our undergraduates are doing.”
Now in its 22nd year, Research Day at the Capitol showcases undergraduate research in science, social science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The event seeks to raise awareness among state policy-makers about high-quality research being conducted on Oklahoma college and university campuses. Institutions nominate students to participate in the event, which is sponsored by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, Oklahoma Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (OK EPSCoR), and the National Science Foundation.
For more information, visit www.okepscor.org.