RSU Senior Director of Development Tonni Harrald Honored at Retirement Reception

  • Tonni Harrald, senior director of development, shows off her retirement cake Jan. 28
    Tonni Harrald, senior director of development, shows off her retirement cake Jan. 28
Tonni Harrald (right) with her husband Kenny and daughter Preslee

Tonni Harrald (right) with her husband Kenny and daughter Preslee

Family, friends and colleagues converged on Rogers State University this week to honor the retiring Senior Director of Development Tonni Harrald.

Held Tuesday, Jan. 28, the come-and-go reception recognized Harrald for her more than 20 years of service to the university, to higher education, and to RSU students, by helping them achieve their dreams through scholarships and assistance by her fundraising efforts as RSU’s senior director of development.

In his remarks honoring her, RSU Interim President Dr. Mark Rasor thanked Harrald for her years of service to the university, during which time, she “genuinely made a positive difference” in the lives of innumerable students, creating a legacy for which she should be proud.

Following further comments from Vice President for Development Steve Valencia, a tearful Harrald introduced her family, thanked all who came to honor her, and said she was looking forward to her upcoming retirement, although it would be “bittersweet” as she would miss the university.

A photo collage of Tonni Harrald with the words "Time Well Spent"Harrald’s last day at RSU will be Friday, Jan. 31.

RSU’s Office of Development is the fundraising arm of the university and works to maximize the university’s resources and leverage its effectiveness through obtaining the financial support of individuals, foundations and corporations.

The RSU Foundation is a 501c3 organization dedicated to supporting the educational mission of the university through private gifts.

Learn more about how to make a tax-deductible contribution to the RSU Foundation.