RSU Raises Money with Virtual Walk to Support NEDA

Rogers State University students, faculty and staff recently took part in a virtual walk to support the National Eating Disorder Association.

Dr. Sonya Munsell, associate professor of psychology and sociology, led the RSU 26-member team through a virtual walk on April 25 to raise money for NEDA’s education, prevention, and support programs along with advocacy and research initiatives.

“I’m proud of the student volunteers and RSU team members for working hard to educate the public about this important issue,” Munsell said.

Munsell’s team raised $2,415 and received special recognition for being the team that raised the most money among teams from nine participating cities.

Thirty million Americans struggle with an eating disorder at some point in their lives. Through NEDA Walks, critical funds are being raised, hope is being restored and the conversation is changing in a positive way.