A 12-foot tall Christmas tree in the atrium of Rogers State University Pryor is covered by more than 200 mittens and gloves thanks to the generosity of RSU Pryor students. All items collected will be donated to the Mayes County Angel Tree Project.
The project was led by the RSU Pryor A.M.P.s (Ambassador Mentor Program) and V.O.L.T.S. (Volunteers of Leadership Team Skills) teams. The students wanted to implement a unique way to support those in need in the Mayes County Area this Christmas Season.
Students and staff have also volunteered more than 60 hours to the Mayes County Angel Tree Project.

The Mayes County Angel Tree program’s goal is to help provide Christmas gifts for children 0-16 years old who may not otherwise receive one. The program began years ago and was adopted by the Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce in 2012. In 2013, nearly 1,200 children received gifts through the program.
For more information, contact the Pryor Area Chamber of Commerce at 918-825-0157 or [email protected].