Members of Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class recently raised $1,500 to benefit local non-profit Light of Hope, which assists and educates individuals and families struggling with substance abuse. Pictured: Dr. James Ford (left with glasses), director of Academic Enrichment; Cassidy Beck (front with pink t-shirt and shorts), RSU student and PLC president; Nancy Phelps (gray cardigan), executive director of Light of Hope; Mindie Baab (with Jerzy the Court Dog), executive board member, Light of Hope; and current members of RSU’s President’s Leadership Class.
Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class recently raised $1,500 to benefit Claremore-based nonprofit Light of Hope.
Light of Hope, Inc. Recovery and Prevention Services emphasizes the recovery and support for persons struggling with addiction and their families. Light of Hope regularly engages in community outreach through its prevention education programs.
Community service is one of the core foundations of RSU’s President’s Leadership Class and several PLC members have worked closely with Light of Hope to raise funds to benefit the nonprofit through RSU-themed apparel sales.
Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class is a four-year scholarship program designed to develop student’s leadership skills and enhance the academic experience. The program offers an annual scholarship of $10,000, a maximum of four years with continued eligibility, and allows students to retain their financial aid packages for costs not covered by the PLC scholarship.
For more information about RSU’s Presidential Leadership Class, visit www.rsu.edu/plc.
For more information about Light of Hope, visit www.lightofhopeinc.org.