RSU Nursing Students Attend Light the Night Event Oct. 17

  • ladies standing for photo

Several Rogers State University nursing students recently participated in an event in downtown Tulsa to raise critical funds for blood cancer patients and their families.

Held Oct. 17 at Guthrie Green, “Light the Night” is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society’s largest community event to raise awareness of blood cancer and to raise funding to combat blood cancer and help those living with the disease.

RSU junior and senior nursing students who participated in the event include Amanda Bass, Viktoriia Smith, Sophia Atkinson, Carli Mettry, Natalie Thomas, Erica Snyder, Jenna Knecht, Kolby Bauer, with faculty member Samantha Rhea also attending.

“This event is held in honor and in recognition of cancer survivors and those battling cancer,” explained Rhea, assistant professor and undergraduate nursing program coordinator. “Registered guests receive a colored lantern that represents why they’re there. White lanterns are held by cancer survivors and those battling the disease, gold lanterns are held by those who have lost someone to cancer, and red lanterns are held by those who want to see an end to cancer.

“Our nursing students all volunteered to be a part of this event, which includes a beautiful ceremony, during which we hear stories from people holding all three colors of lanterns, and it ends with a short walk, during which everyone reflects on why we need a cure for all forms of cancer,” she said.

Rhea said the nursing students were not required to attend Light the Night, neither did they receive clinical time for their involvement, but all felt it was an “important event to be a part of.”

According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, approximately every three minutes, one person in the U.S. is diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma. An estimated combined total of 187,740 people in the U.S. are expected to be diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma or myeloma in 2024.

For more information about leukemia or lymphoma, visit

For more information about RSU’s School of Nursing and Health Professions, visit