RSU Honors Faculty, Staff at Employee Awards Ceremony March 13

Rogers State University recognized faculty, staff and longtime employees of distinction at its first annual RSU Employee Awards ceremony.

Held March 13 in the Dr. Carolyn Taylor Center Ballroom in Claremore, this event was a gathering of employees from RSU’s Claremore, Bartlesville and Pryor campuses in a ceremony to honor employees for their commitment to excellence and service to their respective offices at the university.

“We’re hopeful that this becomes an annual event, an opportunity for the Hillcat family to get together and celebrate our own,” said RSU Interim President Dr. Mark Rasor. “Today, we’re here to recognize and celebrate excellence and accomplishments around our campus.

RSU Registrar Alaina Abolail and newly named Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Susan Willis joined Rasor in recognizing RSU faculty and staff, beginning with the presentation of the Years of Service Awards.

Five-year service honorees included Michael Allgood, Jordan Brown, Brian Coley, Dr. Tom Gerard, Savannah Hayman, Matt Kennedy, Michael Long, Dr. Carla Lynch, Kenneth Neal, Deborah Oestmann, Dr. Mark Peaden, Travis Peck, Dr. R. Mark Rasor, Bruce Richardson, Amber Sanchez, Steve Valencia, and Ethan Williams.

Ten-year service honorees were Dr. Michael Beauchamp, Tip Crowley, Kimberly Garland, Chris Klimas, Christi Mackey, Kathryn Navarro, and Dr. Sukhitha Vidurupola.

Fifteen-year honorees included Matthew Bolding, Dr. Jerry Bowen, John Gage, and Lisa Ramsey.

Twenty-year honorees were Bryce Brimer, Sarah Fennell, Ronna Hatley, Keah McCutchin, and Kyla Short.

Employees recognized for 25 years of service included Catherine Burns, Dr. Frank Elwell, Dr. Sally Emmons, Elizabeth Gordon, Dr. Paul Hatley, and Dr. Kenneth Hicks.

Following year of service milestone recognitions, Staff Awards were presented.

Staff awards bestowed and their recipients included:

~ Hillcat Cub Award – Meg Thompson, Student Activities Coordinator

~ Hillcat Innovator Award – Troy Gerard, Instructional Designer

~ Hillcat Student Advocate Award – Natalia Sumner, Campus Visits and Events Coordinator

~ Dr. James D. Hess Excellence in Education Award – Sheila Parker, Administrative Assistant

Faculty awards bestowed and their recipients included:

~ Excellence in Scholarship Award (College of Professional Studies) – Dr. Amy Evans, Interim Chair of the Department of Business/ Assistant Professor

~ Excellence in Scholarship Award (College of Arts and Sciences) – Dr. Michelle Taylor, MSCC Program Director

~ Excellence in Service Award (College of Professional Studies) – Dr. Brook Purdum, Assistant Professor

~ Excellence in Service Award (College of Arts and Sciences) – Christi Mackey, Assistant Professor

~ Teaching Award (Herrington Excellence in Education Endowment) – Abhilash Minukuri, Instructor

~ Teaching Award (Pixley Excellence in Education Endowment) – Dr. Kasia Roberts, Professor of Chemistry

Following the presentations, Rasor thanked all RSU employees for their work and dedication to the university.

“I just want to pause and thank each and every one of you for what you do here at Rogers State University,” he said. “I’ve been here five years and have fallen in love with this place. We do very special, very important work up here on the Hill. I travel around Tulsa and Oklahoma City, and it’s rare that I don’t encounter someone whose life hasn’t been touched by RSU. We cast a long shadow and it’s thanks to the work that you all do. Thank you.”