RSU Holds Employee Length-of-Service Recognition

Employee Recognition 30-34 years

Rogers State University on Monday recognized the long-term service of its full-time employees, more than half of whom have been with the university for more than five years and represent more than 2,000 years of service to the university, its students and the communities it serves.

Employee Recognition 35 years


Employee Recognition Dr Boyle


Employee Recognition 20-24 years


The two longest-serving, full-time employees honored during the event were Gary Moeller, Professor of Fine Arts, and Bill Payne with the Physical Plant, who have been with the school for 36 years and 35 years respectively. Each received a service pin recognizing 35 years of service.

Also recognized was Dr. Danette Boyle, who has been affiliated with the university since 1972 and currently serves part-time as the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Military Academy Alumni Association.

Receiving 30-year service pins recognizing service from 30 to 34 years were: Dr. Emily Dial-Driver, Professor of English and Humanities; Don Glass, Assistant Professor of Biology; Alan Lawless Jr., Director of the Stratton Taylor Library; Vance Remington with the RSU Physical Plant; and Bob Willis, Assistant Professor of Business.

Receiving 25-year service pins recognizing service from 25 to 29 years were: Shelly Borgstrom, Associate Director for Accountability and Academics; Dr. Keith Martin, Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Biology; Trudy Stonebarger, Supervisor for Mail, Archives and Printing Services; James Street with the Physical Plant; Dr. Carolyn Taylor, Distinguished Professor of History and Political Science; Connie Wall with the RSU Print Shop; and Tim Yoder, Production Manager with RSU Public TV.

Receiving 20-year service pins recognizing service from 20 to 24 years were: Bryan Crain, Producer and Director for RSU Public TV; Claudia Glass, Assistant Professor of Biology; Clem Ohman, EMS Program Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Health Sciences; and Rennah Robinson, Administrative Assistant with the Equal Opportunity Center.

Everyone who had served more than 20 years were called forward to be awarded their pins by RSU President Dr. Larry Rice. This is the first year the university has held a length-of-service recognition event, and university officials said they intend to make it an annual tradition to recognize those who achieve a new five-year length of service milestone.

Receiving 15-year service pins recognizing service from 15 to 19 years were: Gary Boergermann, Catherine Burns, Kyle Davis, Dr. Frank Elwell, Dr. Sally Emmons, Dr. Hugh Foley, Dr. James Ford, Dr. Roy Gardner, Elizabeth Gordon, Dr. Laura Gray, Dr. Douglas Grenier, Carolyn Gutierrez, Dr. Paul Hatley, Dr. Kenneth Hicks, Dr. Jane Johansson, Dr. Mary Mackie, Dr. Peter Macpherson, Dr. Abe Marrero, Mark Meadors, Roya Namavar, Kate Northcutt, Brian Reeves, Dr. Min Soe, Rhonda Spurlock, Dr. Quentin Taylor, Tom Volturo, Dr. Kirk Voska, Reneen White, Nicole Wigginton, Dr. Kevin Woller and Cecilia Yetter.

Receiving 10-year service pins recognizing service from 10 to 14 years were: Sherry Alexander, Jan Belcher, David Blakely, Larry Brewer, Bryce Brimer, Denton Brown, Robert Brown, Dawn Childress, Dr. Diana Clayton, Cathy Coomer, Renee Cox, Paul Dunham, Larry Elzo, Dr. Juliet Evusa, Chris Fairchild, Kelli Fields, Dr. Frank Grabowski, Dr. Dana Gray, Joy Lin Hall, Tonni Harrald, Ronna Hatley, Heather Isaacs, Dan Kara, Dr. Sue Katz-Amburn, Dr. Jae-Ho Kim, Dr. Tetyana Kyrylova, Christie Lamberson, Derek Larkin, Lisa Martin, Keah McCutchin, Bryon McDaniel, Dr. Michael McKeon, Stephen Morgan, Bonnie Paul, Shonna Payne, Bayone Pettis, Linda Prock, Ronda Riden, Randy Riggs, Kyla Short, Donna Spencer, Claudia Story, Brandi Sutherland, Dawn Tatro, Clint Tiblow, Lee Williams, Dr. Susan Willis and Sarah Winzenburg.

Receiving five-year service pins recognizing service from five to nine years were: Dr. Brian Andrews, Donald Arent, Audrey Baker, Justin Barkley, Dr. Richard Beck, Dr. Susan Bedwell, Matthew Bolding, Dr. Jerry Bowen, Sara Braun, Steve Braun, Dr. Theresa Bycroft, Jamie Cagle, Deana Cantrell, Holly Clay-Buck, Robert Cope, Marcy Cox, Stephen Davis, Clarice Doyle, Matthew Dunham, Kelly Ewing, Frank Gage, Marie Gorley, Dr. Jamie Graham, Carmen Gunnarson, David Hamby, Catherine Heimdale, Dr. Steve Housel, Roy Jones, Shauntay Jones, Dr. Cathy Kennemer, Dr. Gioia Kerlin, Dr. Holly Kruse, Daniel Marangoni, Chris McCormick, Nan Melton, Brian Miller, James Miller, Dr. Mary Millikin, Kimberly Moody, Andrew Nichols, Dr. Matthew Oberreider, Nancy Page, Lisa Ramsey, Scott Reed, Dr. Larry Rice, Amy Richards, Dr. Katarzyna Roberts, Trey Robertson, Dr. Masoud Saffarian, Katherine Sims, Curtis Sparling, Cecilia Townsend, Dr. Sigismond Wilson, Michelle Yoder and Dr. Craig Zimmerman.

Employee Recognition 25-29 years

Photos may be found here.