The Rogers State University Foundation’s annual Scholarship Fundraising Breakfast set records for attendance and funds raised bringing in $52,100 to provide scholarships for students with financial need.
The breakfast was held on April 14 at the RSU Dr. Carolyn Taylor Center. Proceeds from the breakfast directly support the Foundation’s general scholarship program, which supports deserving students from all three RSU campuses. This year, the RSU Foundation will award nearly $1 million in private scholarship support.
During the event Lyndsey Young, a senior in the nursing program from Claremore, provided a first-hand account of how her scholarship helped her return to school as a working mother of four. Prior to returning to college, she and her family had followed the career of her husband who, while an active-duty service member, served the country in two deployments.
Young is the recipient of the Webber Excellence in Nursing Scholarship which provides a full ride for a student once
“Myself and my family offer our sincere appreciation to the Webber family,” she said. “This scholarship not only makes it possible to juggle the many responsibilities of being a wife, mother and student it also allows me to pursue a field of work that speaks to my heart.”
Young plans a dual focus for her career as a school nurse and emergency room nurse.
Also speaking at the event were Roger Moiser, Chairman of the RSU Foundation Board of Directors; RSU President Dr. Larry Rice; RSU Vice President for Development Steve Valencia; and Tonni Harrald, Senior Director of Development for RSU.
“Today you have heard the first-hand account of a student whose life has been for impacted by true generosity,” said Valencia. “The life changing story of hundreds of our students is the opportunity you helped to create. It is made possible by everybody in this room this morning. For that, I offer, on behalf of our students and the University, our sincere appreciation.”
An institutionally related charitable entity, the Rogers State University Foundation, Inc. is an independent not-for-profit corporation that encourages and supports charitable giving for the benefit of Rogers State University. The Foundation acts as the principal organization through which charitable gifts are made and administered in support of RSU students and programs.
For more information on supporting student scholarships, visit www.rsu.edu/development or call 918-343-7780.