RSU Foundation Auction and Dinner nets $100,000 in Funds for Student Scholarships

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Rogers State University’s annual Foundation Auction and Dinner was a “huge success,” according to Vice President for Development Steve Valencia. 

“Things went very, very well. We had in excess of 400 guests and netted approximately $100,000 in funds, which is very important as the funds we raise from the auction, and from the scholarship breakfast, go into our general scholarship fund,” Valencia said. “Those are the funds we use every year and generally, those scholarships benefit the students who have the greatest financial need. This will enable us to award significant amounts for the fall 2023 term.” 

Held Nov. 17 at the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, the RSU Foundation Scholarship Auction and Dinner is the Foundation’s biggest fundraiser of the year, with proceeds going to provide scholarships for students attending all RSU campuses and to support university initiatives directly impacting the success of RSU students. 

“This was our second year holding this (event) at the Hard Rock and we feel we’re really growing into this new venue,” Valencia said. “I feel we met our goal of providing the best possible experience for our guests, with a superb meal, top notch entertainment, and the new VIP reception for our top sponsors, which I feel went over very well.” 

Sponsorship numbers were up this year by 15 to 20 percent, according to Valencia, with St. Francis Health System serving as the presenting sponsor. 

“St. Francis stepping up as presenting sponsor was very significant. It was an important show of support, and I believe it will speak volumes in Tulsa for corporate support from the Tulsa area for Rogers State,” he said. “I’m very thankful for all the work our development staff did, Tonni Harrald, senior director of development, the foundation board and everyone who helped make this year’s event the huge success that it was.” 

The RSU Office of Development is the fundraising arm of the university and works to maximize the institution’s resources through obtaining financial support from individuals, foundations and corporations. 

For persons wishing to make a year-end contribution to the Foundation, its offices will be open through the remainder of the school calendar year as well as 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. from Dec. 27 through Dec. 30. Supporters may give online at  

For more information, contact the Foundation office at 818-343-8357.