Academics | Finances | Housing | Campus Services | Safety | Miscellaneous
- What if my student doesn’t know what to major in?
- What does “credit hour” mean?
- What do “cumulative GPA” and “retention GPA” mean?
- How big are classes?
- If my student needs to miss class due to sickness, etc, what should he do?
- When and where are grades sent?
- Is class attendance mandatory?
- How is a GPA figured?
- How do developmental (zero-level) courses figure into a GPA?
- What grades does my student need to get to be on the Honor Roll?
- How can my student get enrollment verification for our insurance company?
Our on-campus Career Services staff can evaluate your student's strengths, weaknesses, and interests to help determine a major. Additionally, taking course in areas of interest, talking to upper-classmen of different majors, and determining what is most valuable to your student will help determine a major. We strongly encourage students to declare a major prior to the beginning of their sophomore year.
During the fall and spring semesters, one credit hour is equivalent to one hour of class per week. A three-hour college algebra class might be held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for 50-minutes each day. (During summer courses, intersession courses, and 8-week courses, students will actually be in class longer than one hour per week per credit hour, but the math works out the same.)
Students have two grade point averages (GPAs). One is the cumulative GPA, which includes grades for every single course the student takes. The other is the retention/graduation GPA. The benefit of the retention GPA is that if a student retakes a course, only the second grade is calculated (up to four classes or 18 hours). For example, if a student earns a “D” in an American History course his first semester and decides to re-take it later and makes an “A”, both the “D” and the “A” will be calculated into the cumulative GPA, but only the “A” will be calculated in the retention GPA. Both GPAs are recorded on transcripts. Retention GPAs are used to determine academic standing.
The majority of courses have a maximum of 20 students. Some will be more, some will be less. However, the student to faculty ratio at RSU is 16:1. Most classes have around 20 students.
The first thing your student should do is know the attendance and assignment make-up policy. Second, get with another student in the class who takes good notes, copy those notes, and find out about any announcements and assignments. Typically, professors will indicate on the first day of class what the best way to contact them is. Depending on the professor’s preference, your student may want to make contact before the class is missed, especially if it is an exam day.
Grades are posted to the student’s transcript within a week of the last day of finals and can be viewed at MyRSU. Grades are not mailed out.
For students to do well, they must attend and participate in class. Class attendance is (more than) strongly encouraged. Many professors calculate attendance into grades. And even if some professors mention that they do not take attendance, you can be sure they all notice who is and is not in class.
Each letter grade is assigned points. An “A” gets four points, a “B” gets three points, a “C” gets two points, etc. Multiply points by the number of hours for the course. Add up all the points, then divide by the total number of hours. Here is an example:
Class | Credit Hours | Grade | Points |
College Algebra | 3 hours | B | (3x3=9) |
Comp I | 3 hours | C | (3x2=6) |
Biology | 4 hours | F | (4x0=0) |
Humanities | 3 hours | A | (3x4=12) |
Spanish | 3 hours | B | (3x3=9) |
16 hours | 36 points |
Divide the number of points (36 points) by the number of hours (16 hours) to get the GPA (2.25 GPA).
Although a grade of C or better is required to clear a deficiency, zero-level courses are GPA neutral. This means the grades will neither help nor hinder your student’s GPA. This becomes especially important when a student’s schedule is primarily made up of zero-level courses. For example, if a student is enrolled in four zero-level classes and one 1000-level class, the only grade that will impact the GPA is the 1000-level class.
President’s Honor Roll: Fall and Spring semesters students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours (6 for summer) of college-level courses with a 4.0 GPA. Dean’s Honor Roll: Fall and Spring semesters students must complete a minimum of 12 semester hours (6 for summer) of college-level courses with a 3.5 and no grade lower than a “B.”
Have your student contact the National Student Clearinghouse at www.studentclearinghouse.org or 703-742-4200.
- How much is my student’s education going to cost?
- Are bills sent to me or my student?
- What scholarships are available for my student?
- How does the financial aid process work?
- Are there campus jobs my student can apply for?
- If my student drops a class, does he get a refund?
Please visit our Cost of Attendance website where you will find a Calculator, Tuition & Fees schedule to help you determine the cost for your student to attend RSU.
Bills are addressed to students and are mailed to their permanent address we have on file.
Please visit our Scholarships web site to find out what scholarships are available.
Please visit our Financial Aid web site for more information.
Yes. Most departments on campus employ students. The best way for your student to find a campus job is to check out our online job postings or to inquire with individual campus departments. Applications can be picked up in Markham Hall, Room 102 on the Claremore campus or in the Enrollment Offices at the Bartlesville and Pryor campuses.
If it is during the drop/add period (first 1/8 of the semester), the student receives a full refund for tuition and fees. If it is after the add/drop period, no refund is given. Refunds are distributed directly to the student. Make sure your student has selected their refund preference.
Residential Life
- Are students required to live on campus?
- How are the campus apartments supervised?
- Can my student stay in their apartment during breaks?
- What kinds of food services are available on campus?
Although specific organizations, such as athletics, the Honors Program, and the President's Leadership Class, may require students to live on campus, the majority of RSU students are not required to live on campus. However, some studies indicate that students who live on campus are more likely to stay in college and graduate than those who commute (Pascarella and Terenzini, 2005). We strongly encourage students to live on campus.
The Director of Residential Life offices are on-site and supervise the overall operation of campus housing. The university also employs responsible students who serve as Residential Assistants (RAs). RAs assist with conduct problems, perform room checks, organize activities, and serve as contact points for students in their buildings.
Students are welcome to stay in their apartments during all breaks, including Christmas Break. The only time students have to leave is when their contract is complete (for many students this is May).
Dining Services are located in the Chapman Dining Hall located near student housing. Students can purchase food using cash, a debit card, or their Hillcat Card. Student who live in the campus apartments have full kitchens or kitchenettes. Students can enjoy Starbucks coffee products or freshly squeezed fruit juices in the Hilltop Coffee Shop or grab a quick meal in the Hillcat Café which are both located in the Centennial Center student lounge.
Campus Services
- Is healthcare available on campus?
- What shots are required?
- Where can my student go for counseling services?
- Who does my student need to contact regarding a disability?
Yes. Our Health Center is located on the back side of the Health Science building. Our campus nurse is available Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00, and the doctor is on campus 12 hours per week. Services are free to students, faculty, and staff. If your student is sick, have him stop by or call the Health Center at 918-343-7614.
All students are required to provide documentation of immunization against hepatitis B, measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR), or a waiver, to the Health Center by the end of their first semester. Students who live on campus are required to provide documentation of a meningococcal vaccination prior to moving in.
Our free-of-charge licensed, full-time campus counselor is available for students to discuss depression, roommate issues, test anxiety, and more. Counseling Services is located in the Dr. Carolyn Taylor Center.
See our Disabilities Services website.
- What qualifications do campus police have?
- What is the crime rate on campus?
All of our campus police officers are CLEET certified.
Crime is very minimal on campus. The latest crime report.
- What opportunities are there for my student to learn outside the classroom?
- Does RSU help organize internships?
- I don’t understand any of the college lingo my student is using. Can you help?
Part of our mission at RSU is to provide global opportunities for our students. Our Studies-at-Large program continues to grow each year, with students traveling to such places as Wales, Italy, and Korea. Domestically, students have had the opportunity to study in Washington D.C. and Chicago. In addition, many of our campus organizations provide professional development and community service opportunities. Throughout the year, RSU brings in speakers to discuss various topics.
Each year, RSU sends three students to Washington D.C. to participate in the Washington Center Internship Program. Students intern for an organization best suited to their interests, whether public, private, or government, and are involved in a variety of professional development seminars. Juniors and seniors from all majors are encouraged to apply for the experience. The expense of participation is largely covered by the university. For other internship opportunities, students should visit with their academic advisor or another faculty member from their academic major.
You bet! This list of terms and you’ll be on your way to impressing your student with your new vocab.