Shelton pointed out that fossils can be found almost everywhere, even here on the RSU campus – you just have to know what to look for. Students will have an exciting opportunity to go out into the field and search for their first fossil finds under his guidance.

Rogers State University will get a little more Jurassic next fall with the addition of a new course: Introduction to Paleontology.
A three-hour physical science class, Introduction to Paleontology will study the various sciences pertaining to paleontology, including paleoecology, paleogeography, paleoclimatology, stratigraphy, ichnology, taphonomy, and evolution and distribution of the fossil record.
The courses will be taught by Dr. Chris Shelton, assistant professor in RSU’s Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences.
“I’m very excited about this course and definitely looking forward to teaching it,” Shelton said. “When I started at RSU, one of my goals was to teach a class like this. We do touch on the subject matter in some of my other courses, but it’s only a few chapters – if even that – so it will be a great opportunity for me and the students to study paleontology in depth as I have more of a background in this subject.”
Shelton holds a bachelor’s degree in geology and a master’s degree in biology, both from Midwestern State University, and a doctorate in vertebrate paleontology/paleohistology from the University of Bonn in Germany.
He has participated in multiple expeditions, during which he uncovered rare fossil vertebrae for which he was cited in research articles published in leading field journals.
“Dr. Shelton’s new paleontology class will provide fresh perspectives to our students as they delve into the history of life on Earth, exploring interactions among organisms and their environments within the context of time,” said RSU Biology Department Head and Mathematics and Physical Sciences Interim Department Head Dr. Jin Seo. “Dr. Shelton is an enthusiastic educator and has made significant contributions to the field through numerous publications. I’m very excited to introduce his new course in the department this fall.”
Shelton proposed the addition of the course after a student reached out to him and expressed an interest in a course focusing on biology and paleontology.
“In putting together the course, I’ve been in contact with several experts in the field, among them, my mentor, (renowned paleontologist) Dr. Robert Bakker, who advised me on which textbook to use, etc.,” he said. “I’ve gotten input and backing from several people in the formation of this course, so I’m really looking forward to teaching it and sharing my passion about the subject matter with my students.
“Besides, who doesn’t love dinosaurs?” he asked.
Introduction to Paleontology will be taught 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays in the fall 2024 semester at Rogers State University in Claremore.
For more information about the course, email Dr. Shelton at [email protected].
For more information about other classes within RSU’s Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, visit www.rsu.edu/mps.