Enrollment in fall semester classes at Rogers State University has increased slightly compared with numbers from a year ago according to a preliminary enrollment report released Sept. 7.
The report showed 3,200 students enrolled in RSU courses, an increase of 23 students. Growth in the number of undergraduate students continuing to work toward a degree and an enrollment increase in RSU’s two graduate programs were factors in larger enrollment numbers.
“Our commitment to quality teaching, affordability and accessibility has made RSU a first-choice university for students across the region,” said Dr. Larry Rice, university president. “We also continue to add academic offerings in high demand fields such as engineering, cybersecurity, business and healthcare.”
RSU’s move to a block tuition model where full-time undergraduate students enrolled in 12 or more credit hours pay a set price also is paying off as the number of credit hours taken by students increased 3.1 percent.
Rogers State University, with its main campus in Claremore, serves northeastern Oklahoma and is the only four-year public residential university in the Tulsa metropolitan area. RSU also has extended campuses in Bartlesville and Pryor, as well as learning sites in Tulsa.
Learn more about RSU, plan a campus visit or apply at www.rsu.edu.