• A man stands nexts to an illuminated sensory board

    New Space Benefits RSU Community Members with Sensory Issues

Accommodations may be available for students with disabilities upon enrollment in Rogers State University and registration with Student Disability Services.


A student is considered a registered student with a disability upon enrollment in the University and submitting the Official Request for Accommodation.

Please remember to include your documentation (pdf) with your official request. Without correct supporting documentation, your request will NOT be fulfilled. If you would like a form to give to your practitioner to fill out, please feel free to use Professional Documentation Form (pdf). This form is completely voluntary and only serves as an optional guide for your provider.

Accommodations Renewal

Students who have previously registered for the academic year may use the Accommodations Renewal Form to extend accommodations for the current semester. Once your renewal has been received, it will be reviewed within 7-10 days.

Enrollment Tips

The following are some tips to help students with disabilities with enrollment process at Rogers State University.

  • Ask for help!
  • Register early and plan your schedule before enrolling
  • Ask yourself:
    • Have I planned enough time in between classes?
    • Have I allowed time between classes for extended testing time for exams?
    • Have I allowed time to process the information from a class, to study for the next class, or get organized for the next class?
    • Is the facility accessible? If not, please visit with the Director of Student Development to plan for that class.
    • Do you need special assistance in reading for a class?
    • Do you need the books or materials in an alternative format?
  • Double check your class schedule.
    • Are you a morning person or have problems with joints or body aches in the early morning? If not, schedule your classes for the afternoon.
    • Are you prone to seizures or changes in blood sugar levels during certain times of the day? How can you schedule around those times?
    • Do you have special dietary needs or take medication at specific times? Schedule accordingly.
  • If you have trouble concentrating or processing information, you may have more success in classes that last 50 minutes rather than classes that last longer.
  • If you need more continuity or practice time in class, choose courses that meet three times per week.
  • What type of class fits your learning style?
    • Class format (small group vs. large lecture)
    • Teaching style of professor
    • Exam format (essay vs. multiple choice)
    • Reading requirements
    • Number of credit hours (manageable vs. required)