Rogers State University wants to give students a head start on their careers, with the return of the annual Career, Internship and Graduate School Fair.
Slated for 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 1, in the Dr. Carolyn Taylor Center Ballroom, this annual event gives RSU students the opportunity to interface with potential employers as well as learn about internships, potential scholarships and graduate programs available immediately and upon graduation.
“This (event) is geared to help our student body learn about some of the career possibilities open to them and to give them the chance to get an early start on pursuing those (careers),” said Barry Clark, career services coordinator, RSU Student Affairs Office. “Each year, we have representatives from somewhere between 40 and 50 businesses and industries of all sizes – including first responders and branches of the military – come out to talk with students about their business or industry as a prospective career path.”
Representatives from mental health organizations, accounting firms, city and county governments, hospitals and medical schools, law schools and several Native American tribes also will be present, all of whom will be seeking interns, part-time and full-time workers, as well as students interested in graduate programs.
Clark said student attendees should wear professional or business casual attire and are strongly encouraged to bring copies of their resume.
“After last year’s career fair, one of the comments we heard most frequently (from attending business representatives) was that they wished more students had come with a resume already prepared,” he said. “It would help expedite things if the students already came with a resume in hand, and it would be a courtesy to the businesses who are giving of their time to be a part of this event.”
Student attendees who check in at the Student Affairs table will be entered to win one of three prizes to be given away at the event, including Beats Studio Buds, a weighted blanket, and an air fryer.
“This is an excellent opportunity for both employers and students seeking employment, as well as internships, to come together and network about possible opportunities available immediately as well as upon graduation,” Clark said. “This fair is great for students to learn about companies in the area and the wide variety of career paths available to them.”
Currently, the Student Affairs Office is still accepting applications for businesses and organizations wishing to participate in the career fair. Interested businesses should reach out to Barry Clark at [email protected] or 918-343-6835 by no later than 1 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23.
For more information about the RSU Career, Internship and Graduate School Fair, visit www.rsu.edu/careerfair