In 2014, the RSU Pryor campus opened a new 38,000-square-foot facility at 2155 Highway 69A in the MidAmerica Industrial Park south of Pryor. Amenities available to students at the Pryor campus of Rogers State University include classrooms and science labs, a library, auditorium, dining facility, bookstore and labs for computing and tutoring. The Pryor campus offers a wide variety of general education, computer, business, and pre-nursing courses for day and evening students. Distance learning students may attend compressed video courses and complete online testing at the Pryor campus test center. Services provided for students by the Enrollment Center include university admissions, enrollment, advisement, transfer information, testing, and assistance with financial aid. The largest single gift in the university’s history, the Pryor campus was constructed for the university by the Oklahoma Ordnance Works Authority, which operates the MidAmerica Industrial Park, as part of its goal to provide full range of educational opportunity to Mayes County Residents.