The Threat Assessment Review Committee (TARC) meets regularly to consider reports of individuals displaying anti-social or abnormal behavior. TARC assesses potential threats to the safety and well-being of the University community and takes appropriate action. In event that you observe someone demonstrating troubling or odd behavior that concerns you, you should contact TARC at one of the phone numbers to the right.
Contact Information
- In the event of an Emergency: Call 911
- Student Affairs: 918-343-7579
- Human Resources: 918-343-7796
- Campus Police: 918-343-7624
Individuals from the following offices serve on the committee:
- Academic Affairs
- Administration & Finance
- Athletics
- Campus Police
- Counseling Services
- Human Resources
- Enrollment Management
- Residential Life
- Student Affairs
- Student Development
- Student Health Center
Campus Safety Resource Materials
Campus Safety in General:
- RSU Campus Emergency Plan: This plan includes important phone numbers, general building evacuation, fire, and injury reporting.
- RSU Emergency Operations Plan: This plan includes major emergency operation intent, emergency organization, emergency operation center, incident command center, incident command organization, and activation of the emergency operation plan and containment.
- Campus Crime Statistics
Disruptive Students:
- Student Conduct: Reporting an incident of student behavior that may be a violation of student code.
- Contact Jeana Rae Conn for more information on how to file a report.
- Helping Students in Distress