If you are exploring this site, your student might have recently received a meeting notice from the Office of Student Development to discuss an alleged violation of RSU’s Student Code of Conduct. It may come as a surprise that your student is alleged to have violated University policies. This website hopefully can address some of your concerns regarding the conduct process at RSU.
If your student received a notice from the Office of Student Development, it means your student is alleged to have violated one of the policies outlined in RSU’s Student Code of Conduct. Your student needs to follow the directions outlined in the letter and schedule a meeting with their hearing officer to discuss the alleged incident.
Why wasn’t I notified of an issue with my student? Can you discuss the alleged incident with me? May I attend the meeting with my student?
The appointment and information surrounding the violation/incident is considered private. It is part of your student’s educational record at the University and we must follow the confidentiality regulations outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). No information can be shared without a written release from the student.
There are a few exceptions to the law. The University may notify you in the event your student is under 21 and found responsible for violating the University’s drug and/or alcohol policies. Otherwise, we are unable to discuss or notify you of any information regarding your student’s conduct record at the University.
What is my role? How can I help my student?
Encourage your student to follow the directions outlined by the Office of Student Development – including scheduling and attending their meeting and adequately performing any sanctions that may arise from the alleged violation.
Why is the University involved if my student is facing criminal charges?
By enrolling at Rogers State University, students accept responsibility for compliance with all University policies and understand that the University may take disciplinary action for any violation of local, state, or federal laws. The student conduct process is separate from any criminal proceedings. The University has a responsibility to protect the safety and well-being of the campus community. Students are afforded rights of due process and appeal through the University conduct process. Campus resolution may proceed before, during, or after any criminal or civil actions and is not subject to challenge based on the action or inaction of civil authorities.