There are a number of ways to report an incident to the appropriate University official. All members of the University community have a responsibility to report any student conduct that has the effect of disturbing the educational operations of the University. If you need assistance in determining how or to whom an incident should be reported, contact Student Development.
Report Concerning Behavior
The Behavioral Intervention Team is a trained group of campus professionals designed to maintain a healthy, safe, and secure campus environment. The team reviews behavior reports, assesses levels of threats and makes referrals as appropriate, including referral for Code of Conduct violations. You should report anything that concerns you about student behavior to the BIT, even if it is not a violation of the Code of Conduct.
Consider Reporting to the Police
If you believe that an incident has violated the law, you are encouraged to report the situation to the appropriate law enforcement agency. The RSU Police Department has jurisdiction to investigate and respond to allegations of criminal misconduct that occur on campus. Student Conduct, at your request, will assist you in reporting to the appropriate law enforcement agencies, including relevant off campus agencies.