The requirements regarding documentation for a student with a disability will be different. Typically, an IEP is not suitable for the postsecondary setting. Documentation must be current which means that the evaluation or medical exam must take place within three years of registration with Disability Services. Therefore, a student who had a psychological evaluation at age 11 would need a new evaluation prior to college entrance.
The accommodations in a postsecondary setting are decided between the student and the Disability Services Provider. The parent of a high school student needs to know that, due to FERPA, information regarding their postsecondary student is confidential. A waiver must be signed by the student for a parent to participate in any discussion related to a student’s disability or accommodations. Even then, it is the student’s responsibility to discuss with each professor the type of accommodations needed for individual courses.
504 in High School is different than 504 in higher education. The secondary education system is subject to Section D whereas the postsecondary system is subject to Section E. The postsecondary system is primarily concerned with providing equal access whereas the secondary system is concerned with student success.
Postsecondary students are responsible for identifying (if they desire) as a student with a disability and requesting accommodations. Those accommodations may or may not be granted based upon documentation, impairment, functionality, course work or load, or a variety of other factors. A postsecondary student who requests accommodations must register every semester with the Disability Services Provider. Postsecondary schools are not subject to IDEA.