Are you graduating this spring? Need internship hours? Considering grad school?
Here’s your chance to get a head start on planning your future!
Career, Internship & Graduate School Fair
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
9:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Fair
11 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Professional Headshots
Dr. Carolyn Taylor Center Ballroom
The Career, Internship & Graduate School Fair will give you the opportunity to interact with potential employers, seek internships, and explore graduate programs! Hosted by RSU Career Services.
Giveaway Alert!
Check in at the Student Affairs table to receive your ticket for a chance to win one of great prizes that will be given away at the event.
Bring copies of your resumes to share with potential employers. Wear professional or business casual attire to make the best impression.
Get a FREE professional photo on site for Linkedin or other social media usage for employment between 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Several organizations – businesses, governmental agencies, non-profit groups, military branches and first responders – will be available to discuss prospective career paths, and even potentially hire that day or upon graduation.
Representatives from mental health organizations, hospitals, medical schools, law schools, universities and several Native American tribes also will be present, seeking interns, part- and/or full-time workers, as well as candidates for internships or graduate programs.
We hope to see you there!
Participating Organizations
Your representative(s) will have the opportunity to meet exceptional candidates and discuss qualifications necessary for each job or prospective graduate program. View a list of RSU’s degree programs to match our talent to your organization’s needs.
Please make sure to bring a tablecloth, giveaway items, and an overview sheet of what opportunities you’re recruiting for with a list of benefits your organization provides. We will provide two chairs and one eight-foot table, as well as lunch for two representatives. Registration and set-up will be from 9:30 to 10 a.m.
To cover the items listed above, the cost will be $50 for non-profits and $100 for companies. If your company, organization or graduate school would like to participate and have a table at our career fair, please submit the form below based on your payment method.
Contact Information
For more information please contact:
Payton Lahmeyer
Career Services Coordinator