Cat Cash
You have the ability to add funds to your card for on campus purchases in an account called Cat Cash. Cat Cash deposits can be made to your Cat Cash account on your Hillcat Card at the Bursar’s Office or online through eAccounts and can be used to purchase items at Food Services locations and copier service at the Library.
Funds on the card are only allowed to be used for the purposes listed above and balances are non-refundable. Be sure to periodically check your balance and review your transactions via eAccounts.
Cat Cash Forfeiture
End of Fall Semester: Cat Cash balances will remain valid after the end of the Fall Semester if the student is enrolled for the Spring Semester. If the student is not enrolled in the Spring Semester, the card will be inactivated and balances forfeited as of the last day of the Spring Semester add/drop period.
End of Spring Semester: Cat Cash balances will remain valid after the end of the Spring Semester if the student is enrolled for the Fall Semester. If the student is not enrolled in the Fall Semester, the card will be inactivated and balances forfeited as of the last day of the Fall Semester add/drop period.
Flex Dollars
Each semester, Flex Dollars in the amount defined in the housing contract are added to residents’ cards in University Housing as part of their meal plan. Flex Dollars are only available for purchases in the Hillcat Hut by University Housing residents. When a student exhausts their Flex Dollars balance, they may add additional value to their card in the form of Cat Cash.
Meal Plans
Housing Meal Plans: As part of the Housing Contract, meal plans are a requirement for students living in University Village Complexes. See Housing Rates for current plan offerings.
Commuter and Faculty/Staff Meal Plans: Meal plans are also offered to students who live off campus but would like the ability to have a meal plan added to their Hillcat Card for added convenience in purchasing on-campus meals. We also offer meal plans for faculty and staff. See Commuter and Faculty/Staff Meal Plan Options for more information.