BankMobile Disbursements
Rogers State University delivers your refund with BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. is the third party processor RSU utilizes for sending refunds to students. View contract.
Refund Information
A credit balance may come from payment of grants, scholarships or loans credited to a student’s account, from overpayment of charges, or from adjustments for tuition, fees, or housing.
Financial aid funds disbursed to a student’s account are first credited to the student’s educationally related charges of tuition, fees, room, board and books or other charges as authorized by the student. Once education expenses are paid in full and if a credit balance remains, the credit balance is refundable to the student.
A disbursement is when the financial aid funds are applied to your Student Account. If you have any excess funds, student accounts refunds are issued AFTER the disbursement date by approximately 2 weeks. See Financial Aid Refund and Withdrawal Policies for more information.