Deadlines for Graduation Audit Packets
Work with your advisor to complete the Application for Graduation (pdf). Students should complete the top portion of the form and then sign and submit it to their advisor.
- Prospective Spring Graduates: Completed prior to the second Friday of November
- Prospective Summer Graduates: Priority-completed prior to the second Friday of March (to walk in commencement in May), Final-second Friday of June
- Prospective Fall Graduates: Completed prior to the second Friday of September
For exact deadline dates, please see the Academic Calendar.
Bachelor’s Degree
A bachelor’s degree is an academic title granted to a student who has completed a specific course of study. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education (OSRHE) authorize degree titles. The University, a school, and a department administer programs leading to the degrees. In conformance with the requirements established by the OSRHE, the faculty at Rogers State University has established the following guidelines for a student to earn a baccalaureate degree.
Minimum Total Credit: Refer to major area for details. Bachelor’s degree is 120 (excluding physical education activity courses).
- At 90 hours a student should complete the Application for Graduation (pdf) (see deadlines above).
- Upon completion of the Application for Graduation, the student and advisor must complete a Degree Completion Plan Worksheet. Variation from the filed degree completion plan may result in delay of graduation.
- Degrees are conferred when earned. Students who have completed all requirements, or are completing all requirements for the current term, are candidates for graduation. If students are within four hours of graduation in the spring semester and if they have pre-enrolled for the needed courses in the subsequent summer term, the students may participate in commencement exercises. The degree will not be awarded until all course work is satisfactorily completed.
- The minimum number of semester hours required for a degree is 120. A minimum of 60 hours, excluding physical education activity courses, must be taken at a baccalaureate degree granting institution. At least 40 of the required 120 semester hours must be at the 3000-4000 level, excluding physical education activity courses.
- Candidates for baccalaureate degrees must earn 30 credit hours in residence at RSU. At least 15 of the final 30 hours applied toward the degree must be satisfactorily completed at RSU. Resident credit is earned by completion of regularly scheduled RSU courses offered on campus, by interactive television, by telecourse, or by Internet. Credit earned through CLEP, AP, correspondence, DANTES, advanced standing, and continuing education is not considered resident credit.
- Forty-five hours of extra-institutional and advanced standing credit may be applied toward a bachelor degree (30 in lower division 1000 and 2000-level courses, and 15 in upper division 3000 and 4000-level courses).
- Students must earn a combined retention/graduation GPA of 2.0 in all course work attempted. No grade lower than a “C” will be accepted in the major or the minor. Grades lower than a “C” earned at an out-of-state institution cannot be accepted for a degree at Rogers State University.
- At least one-half of the major’s credit hours must be earned at Rogers State University. At least one-half of the upper division credit hours in the major must be earned at RSU. To complete a minor, a student is required to earn six 3000-4000-level credit hours in that minor at RSU.
- Individual departments, with the appropriate University approval, may set admission or graduation standards that are higher (but not lower) than the minimum University-wide standards. These departmental requirements can be found in the Bulletin under the degree requirements for the specific program.
- The RSU Bulletin in effect at the time of the student’s initial full-time enrollment, whether at RSU or an Oklahoma educational institution governed by the OSRHE, shall govern general education and degree requirements for the major and minor, provided that the student has had continuous enrollment. Continuous enrollment is defined as making significant progress toward degree completion by earning at least six hours toward the degree per semester and not being out of RSU or an Oklahoma educational institution governed by the OSRHE for more than one enrollment period, excluding the summer term. Students not enrolled for two consecutive semesters will return under the RSU Bulletin in effect at the time of their readmission and will be subject to any new degree requirements as established by the effective RSU Bulletin.
- The RSU Bulletin expires after seven years for students pursuing a bachelor degree. When that bulletin has expired at the end of the seven-year limit, the students who have been continuously enrolled must select a subsequent Bulletin up to and including the current one.
- Students may elect to meet the degree requirements in a RSU Bulletin adopted by the University after their initial continuous enrollment, but the student will then be governed by all of the requirements of that RSU Bulletin.
- A departure from general education courses required for graduation may be obtained only by petition to the appropriate Department Head, Dean, and Vice President for Academic Affairs. A departure from major and minor courses required for graduation may be obtained only by petition to the appropriate Department Head and Dean of the school offering the major or minor. Transfer credit will only be accepted from regionally-accredited institutions. Transfer credit for specific courses and programs is granted upon recommendation of the appropriate Faculty, Department Head, and the Dean of the School accepting the credit.
- Students must demonstrate computer proficiency.
- Any college work earned more than 15 years before the time a baccalaureate degree is granted at Rogers State University may be applicable toward a degree at the discretion of the departments that offer equivalent or similar courses and the approval of the appropriate Department Head and Dean.
- Only one degree will be awarded upon the completion of the baccalaureate degree requirements. Students satisfying requirements in more than one major area will earn two or more majors and these will be posted on their transcript. A student completing a second major cannot be required to take a minor. A student pursuing a baccalaureate degree cannot retroactively apply for an associate degree.
- Students who have completed a degree from another accredited university may earn another degree in a different field at RSU by completing all general education, departmental, and residence requirements for that degree.
- Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree from RSU may earn a second bachelor degree by fulfilling the following:
- All the current requirements for the second degree
- A minimum of 30 additional undergraduate semester hours, of which 15 must be in residence at RSU and not used in meeting any requirements for the first degree
- A minimum of 15 of the additional 30 hours must be at the 3000-4000 level
Associate Degree
An associate degree is an academic title granted to a student who has completed a specific course of study. The OSRHE authorize degree titles. The University, a school, and a department administer programs leading to the degrees. In conformance with the requirements established by the OSRHE, the faculty at RSU has established the following guidelines for a student to earn an associate degree.
Minimum Total Credit: Refer to major area for details. Associate degree is 60 (excluding physical education activity courses).
- At 45 hours, a student should complete the Application for Graduation (pdf) (see deadlines above).
- Upon completion of the Application for Graduation, the student and advisor must complete a Degree Completion Plan Worksheet. Variation from the filed degree completion plan may result in delay of graduation.
- Degrees are conferred when earned. Students who have completed all requirements, or are completing all requirements for the current term, are candidates for graduation. If students are within four hours of graduation in the spring semester, and if they have pre-enrolled for the needed courses in the subsequent summer term, the students may participate in commencement exercises. The degree will not be awarded until all course work is satisfactorily completed.
- The minimum number of semester hours required for a degree is 60.
- Candidates for associate degrees must earn 15 credit hours in residence at RSU. At least 15 of the final 30 hours applied toward the degree must be satisfactorily completed at RSU. Resident credit is earned by completion of regularly scheduled RSU courses offered on campus, by interactive television, by telecourse, or by Internet. Credit earned through CLEP, AP, correspondence, DANTES, advanced standing, or continuing education is not considered resident credit.
- Thirty hours of extra-institutional and advanced standing credit may be applied toward an associate degree.
- Students must earn a combined retention/graduation GPA of 2.0 in all course work attempted. No grade lower than a “C” will be accepted in the major. Grades lower than a “C” earned at an out-of-state institution cannot be accepted for a degree at RSU.
- At least one-half of the major must be taken at RSU.
- Individual departments, with the appropriate University approval, may set admission or graduation standards that are higher (but not lower) than the minimum University wide standards. These departmental requirements can be found in the Bulletin under the degree requirements for the specific program.
- The RSU Bulletin in effect at the time of the student’s initial full-time enrollment, whether at RSU or an Oklahoma educational institution governed by the OSRHE, shall govern general education and degree requirements for the major and minor, provided that the student has had continuous enrollment. Continuous enrollment is defined as making significant progress toward degree completion by earning at least six hours toward the degree per semester and not being out of RSU or an Oklahoma educational institution governed by the OSRHE for more than one enrollment period, excluding the summer term. Students not enrolled for two consecutive semesters will return under the RSU Bulletin in effect at the time of their readmission and will be subject to any new degree requirements as established by the effective RSU Bulletin.
- The RSU Bulletin expires after seven years for students pursuing an associate degree. When that Bulletin has expired at the end of the seven-year limit, students who have been continuously enrolled must select a subsequent Bulletin up to and including the current one.
- Students may elect to meet the degree requirements in a RSU Bulletin adopted by the University after their initial continuous enrollment, but the student will then be governed by all of the requirements of that RSU Bulletin.
- A departure from general education courses required for graduation may be obtained only by petition to the appropriate Department Head, Dean, and Vice President for Academic Affairs. A departure from major courses required for graduation may be obtained only by petition to the appropriate Department Head and Dean of the School offering the major. Transfer credit will only be accepted from regionally-accredited institutions. Transfer credit for specific courses and programs is granted upon recommendation of the appropriate Department Head, and the Dean of the School accepting the credit.
- Students must demonstrate computer proficiency.
- Any college work earned more than 15 years before the time an associate degree is granted at Rogers State University may be applicable toward a degree at the discretion of the departments that offer equivalent or similar courses and the approval of the appropriate Department Head and Dean.
- Only one degree will be awarded upon the completion of the associate degree requirements.
- Students who have completed a degree from another accredited university may earn another degree in a different field at RSU by completing all general education, departmental, and residence requirements for that degree.
- Students who have earned an associate degree from RSU may earn a second associate degree by fulfilling the following:
- All the current requirements for the second degree
- a minimum of 15 additional undergraduate semester hours, of which 9 must be in residence at RSU and not used in meeting any requirements for the first degree.