International Honor Society in Psychology
Psi Chi is an international organization that promotes excellence and service in the field of psychology. Psi Chi brings students of psychology together in a forum that benefits the student, the institution, and the community. Psi Chi is available to students pursuing degrees Community Counseling and Social Science-Psychology.
Meetings: Wednesday at 4:00pm (Bi-weekly)
Faculty Advisors: Dr. Sara K. Moon-Seo | Dr. Donna Sharp |
Dr. Michelle Taylor (MSCC Psi Chi)

- Completion of at least 3 semesters or 5 quarters of college courses
- Completion of 9 semester or 14 quarter hours of psychology
- Rank in the upper 35% of your class
- Have a psychology GPA of 3.25 or greater
- Apply for Membership. Reviews will be done at the beginning of every month to determine eligibility. If you qualify, you will receive an email confirmation. Typically we have formal induction ceremonies ONLY in the spring semester.
- Choose Rogers State University from the Local Chapter drop-down menu and fill out the application including your name, email address, and student ID No.
- At the bottom of the page, check the box authorizing the faculty advisor to review your college records to determine eligibility.
- Add your Name/Signature and select SUBMIT.
What is Psi Chi
Psi Chi is the International Honor Society in Psychology, founded in 1929 for the purposes of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship, and advancing the science of psychology.
Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association and the American Psychological Society.
Psi Chi serves two major goals. The first is the Society’s obligation to provide academic recognition to its inductees by the mere fact of membership. The second is the obligation of each of the Society’s local chapters to nurture the spark of that accomplishment by offering a climate congenial to its creative development. For example, the chapters make active attempts to nourish and stimulate professional growth through programs designed to augment and enhance the regular curriculum and to provide practical experience and fellowship through affiliation with the chapter.
The organization provides programs to help achieve these goals including national and regional conventions held annually in conjunction with the psychological associations, research award competitions, and certificate recognition programs. Psi Chi functions as a federation of chapters located at 1,000 senior colleges and universities in the USA.
Rogers State University Chapter
The RSU chapter (#1011) reflects the organization’s policies and values, while meeting the needs of our members and the community in which we study and work.
While the RSU chapter provides information on topics of interest to all students at RSU, Psi Chi is most valuable to the psychology student that is looking to enhance and further their education. T
he RSU chapter encourages members to submit research for peer review and make presentations at local, regional and national conventions. As part of our goal to be designated a model chapter each year, members may submit a research paper to one of many Psi Chi sponsored contests.
Psi Chi also provides a service function to the community. Each year at least one service project is discussed and action toward improving the quality of life for a segment of the population is implemented. Community outreach, service to those in need, and public education are examples of ways Psi Chi looks to positively impact the lives of our fellow citizens.
Psi Chi is not all work and academics. Fellowship and fraternity built as part of membership in our society provide an important network of future colleagues and references that help with internships and possible employment when the member looks to move from academia into applied psychology. It is the mission of the Roger State University Chapter of Psi Chi, that while you help build the society, the society will help build you.