A.A. in Liberal Arts: Native American Studies
The Native American Studies option seeks to enhance the student’s understanding of American Indian culture, history, spirituality, language, art, and contemporary tribal issues. Through course work and extracurricular activities such as an annual, on-campus storytelling and traditional arts festival, craft workshops, and observation of intertribal dances, this option provides a solid foundation for student interested in Native American culture.
Hanna Cook, B.F.A. Visual Arts: Studio Art
“I’ve always known I wanted to be an artist. At first I thought I would just take a couple classes at RSU, but then I saw how strong the art program is. The faculty teach us how to market ourselves as professional artists and how to make our work look professional in order to enter gallery shows. We also have juried gallery shows on campus, and people from outside the college come to see our work. The teachers here are knowledgeable about their fields, and they love what they do. At RSU I feel like I’m not just another student; I’m an artist in training.”