About Herrington Distinguished Lectureship Endowment
The late Carl G. and Gladys L. Herrington established the Herrington Distinguished Lectureship Endowment through the Rogers State University Foundation in 1989. The Herringtons initiated the lectureship endowment as a way to provide exceptional educational opportunities at Rogers State University. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education provided matching funds for the endowment.
Mr. Herrington, a retired Exxon executive, served on the Rogers State University Foundation Board of Directors and was a long- time supporter of the University. In 1990, Rogers State University awarded Mr. Herrington the Jefferson Fellow Award. The University’s Herrington Hall, which houses the institution’s School of Business and Technology, was named in honor of the Herrington family in 1995.
Mr. Herrington’s sister, the late Ms. Margaret Herrington, established the Margaret J. Herrington Endowment through the Rogers State University Foundation. She was born in Tecumseh educated at the University of Oklahoma, where she received a bachelor’s degree in business administration, and at Oklahoma City University, where she received her juris doctorate.
Past Lecturers
- 2020: Karen Keith, Tulsa County Commissioner (Cancelled due to COVD-19)
- 2019: Dr. Terry Neese
- 2018: Mark Darrah
- 2017: Paula Marshall
- 2016: Mike Turpen
- 2014: Chris Cadieux
- 2013: Dr. Robert Ballard
- 2012: David T. Vandewater
- 2011: Dr. Vincent Orza
- 2009: Jeff Greenfield
- 2007: Chris Weber
- 2006: James D. “Denny” Shelton
- 2005: Ed Keller
- 2004: Paula Marshall
- 2003: Archie W. Dunham
- 2002: James M. Epperson Jr
- 2000: Keith Bailey