Rogers State University’s emergency alert system enables us to send you voice messages to your home and/or cell phones; text messages to your cell phones; and written messages to e-mail accounts. 

Please keep the university informed of changes to your contact information on a regular basis. It’s important that we are able to notify you immediately in emergency situations because up-to-date communication helps minimize the spread of misinformation, helping keep you safe and well-informed.


All RSU students are registered to receive emergency messages via text message, voice calls, or email messages in the case of campus emergencies or class cancellation. Should you need to update your information log in to MyRSU and make the necessary changes. The form is located under the Students tab > Student Forms page.

Faculty and Staff

All faculty and staff are registered to receive emergency messages via text message, voice calls, or email messages in the case of campus emergencies or class cancellation. Should you need to update your information log in to MyRSU and make the necessary changes. The form is located on the Employees tab > Personal Information Update page.

If you are not a current RSU student or employee, you may also sign up to receive emergency notifications.