RSU Announces First Class of Graduating Seniors

A student from Nepal who traveled to America to pursue the dream of an education, a young man who returned to Claremore to raise his family and attend college close to home, and a U.S. Navy recruiter from Fayetteville, Ark. who earned his degree online will be among the first recipients of bachelor’s degrees at… Read more »

RSU Commencement Ceremony May 11 at Claremore Expo Center

Commencement 2002 will feature RSU’s first bachelor degree candidates Stratton Taylor, president pro tempore of the Oklahoma State Senate, will address candidates for degrees at Rogers State University’s annual commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 11. This year’s commencement will feature the first bachelor degree candidates from the university since it was accredited as a four-year… Read more »

RSU To Present Art of Bachelor’s Degree Recipients Through May 9

The senior art projects of three of Rogers State University’s first bachelor’s degree recipients will be exhibited through May 9 at RSU’s Foundations Gallery. The “Capstone Art Show” will feature the senior “capstone” projects of RSU’s first bachelor-degree artists. Daniel Combs, Robert Kirkley and Michelle Krueger will be among the first 18 students to earn… Read more »

Cherokee Principal Chief To Provide Meyer Lecture at RSU April 16

Chad “Corntassel” Smith, principal chief and executive officer of the Cherokee Nation, will provide the third annual Maurice Meyer Distinguished Endowed Lecture at Rogers State University on Tuesday, April 16. The lecture, which is free and open to the public, will be held at 11 a.m. at RSU’s Will Rogers Auditorium. The title of the… Read more »

RSU To Offer Criminal Justice Career Fair April 17

Representatives from law enforcement agencies will be available to speak with members of the public about careers in criminal justice and public safety at a career day on Wednesday, April 17, at Rogers State University. The annual RSU Criminal Justice and Public Safety Career Fair, which is free and open to the public, will be… Read more »