RSU Announces 2006-07 Theatre Schedule

The upcoming Rogers State University theatre schedule will feature a series of Oklahoma-related productions, including a seldom-produced play by Claremore playwright Lynn Riggs and the regional premiere of a play dramatizing events following the Oklahoma City bombing to coincide with the 12th anniversary of the attack. “To celebrate Oklahoma’s centennial in 2007, the theatre program… Read more »

RSU Hillcat Baseball Team Adds New Players, Announces Fall Schedule

The Rogers State University Hillcat baseball team has added 26 new players, which includes a mix of high school signees, as well as junior college and college transfers. Joining the 13 returning players from last year are 18 transfer players and eight high school signees. The team will play a series of fall scrimmages and… Read more »

RSU Names Assistant Men’s Basketball Coach

Rogers State University has named a former assistant coach at the University of Texas at San Antonio as its new assistant men’s basketball coach. Lloyd Williams, who also was a standout player for UTSA from 1996-2000, worked for three seasons as an assistant coach at the Division I program. Most recently, Williams served as the… Read more »

RSU’s Stratton Taylor Library Earns Status as a Federal Depository Library

Rogers State University’s Stratton Taylor Library has been named as the newest member of the Federal Depository Library Program, a program in which only a select number of libraries participate. By becoming a member of the program, RSU will have immediate access to countless government publications provided via printed material, microfiche, compact disc and electronically…. Read more »

RSU Delays Announcement of Women’s Basketball Coach

Rogers State University officials had anticipated announcing a women’s basketball head coach this summer, but the university now will delay that announcement for a few months. The university went through an extensive search process and received hundreds of inquiries for the coaching position, which will be charged with starting up the women’s basketball program in… Read more »