President Rice Named to OETA Board

OETA-The Oklahoma Network has announced that RSU President Dr. Larry Rice was appointed to the network’s board of directors. In accordance with Oklahoma Statue, Section 70-23-105, the Oklahoma State Regents of Higher Education’s four-year university presidents must identify a four-year college president to sit on the Oklahoma Educational Television Authority board. Rice’s selection fills a… Read more »

RSU Holds First Ever ART Academy Science and Technology Camp

Fifteen students from lower-income school districts will engage with science and technology this month as they participate in Rogers State University’s first ever ART Academy, a week-long residential camp. The camp, whose acronym is short for Appreciating Real-World Technology, runs June 16-21 at the RSU Claremore campus and aims to expose Oklahoma high school juniors… Read more »

OMA Alumni Reunion Honors Service, Legacy

Approximately 300 attendees, including 150 alumni, participated in this weekend’s annual Oklahoma Military Academy Alumni Association on the Rogers State University campus. OMA, which has been hailed as the West Point of the Southwest, operated on College Hill in Claremore from 1919 to 1971 before it transitioned into the university now known as RSU. Of… Read more »

Hillcamp Orientation for New Students Set for July 13-14

Rogers State University will hold its annual Hillcamp orientation for new students July 13-14 at its Claremore campus. Formerly a one-day affair, the event has been expanded to two days with an overnight stay on campus to better fulfill Hillcamp’s mission of helping incoming students establish a strong foundation for their collegiate career. “Relationships with… Read more »

Tecle Named Brad Henry International Scholar

A Rogers State University junior from Coweta is one of 10 Oklahoma regional university students selected as a Brad Henry International Scholar for the 2013-14 academic year. Leah Tecle, a social sciences/psychology major, will spend the spring 2014 semester continuing her studies at Swansea University in Wales. She is the sixth RSU student to be… Read more »