General Education Student Learning Outcomes (GESLOs)

  • Think critically and creatively.
  • Acquire, analyze, and evaluate knowledge of human cultures and the physical and natural world.
  • Use written, oral, and visual communication effectively.
  • Develop an individual perspective on the human experience, and demonstrate an understanding of diverse perspectives and values.
  • Demonstrate civic knowledge and engagement, ethical reasoning, and skills for lifelong learning.

Assessment of General Education

Assessment of the General Education program at Rogers State University follows the same process as assessment for academic and non-academic programs. Assessment data is collected each semester in general education courses and reported to the General Education Committee each year. Members of the General Education review the results and create a feedback report to share with academic departments. Further, the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and the faculty Chair of the General Education Committee collaboratively report results to the Academic Council for discussion and reflection. 

General Education courses requirements from RSU’s undergraduate catalog. Information about which courses are transferable among Oklahoma public colleges and institutions can be found at the Oklahoma State Regents for  Higher Education (OSRHE) transfer website

RSU’s Rainbow Matrix (pdf) presents the courses in which each of the five GESLOs are assessed in order to determine if the General Education Program outcomes are being achieved.