Rogers State University encourages participation in campus organizations and student activities because such exchanges can help shape students into well-rounded citizens who can make a difference in their communities. Becoming active in a student organization allows you to share ideas with students who share your interests – both academic and personal.
All student organizations must follow the 2021-2022 Student Organizations Handbook (pdf).
Student Organizations
Recognizes exceptional student scholars and unite them around one goal - channeling creativity and curiosity into scholarship that serves the greater good. Advisor: Dr. John Ford Alpha Sigma Alpha is a women’s organization that exists to promote high ideals and standards for its members throughout their lives by emphasizing balance among the four aims of intellectual, physical, spiritual and social development. Website: Alpha Sigma Alpha Alpha Sigma Tau is all about empowering women and defining excellence. Invest in women by instilling the skills necessary to navigate life, and inspire members to enrich their own lives and the lives of others. Advisor: Kyla Short Provides opportunities for networking, national competitions, and exposure in the media industry. Open to all students at RSU who are interested in marketing or advertising. Participation in Alpha Delta Sigma will allow students to plug in to the media industry outside of the classroom Purpose is to unite international RSU students to cultivate a sense of belonging and further international efforts on campus. The RSU BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministries) is a safe place for college students to grow and learn about Jesus Christ and His plan for our lives. We have many different ministries that happen each week. This provides many different ways for students to get involved. There are no special requirements to get involved with us. Feel free to show up to any of our events, and we will try our best to get you to plug in with us! We are located north of campus, across the street from the soccer fields (2020 West Blue Starr). #34 on the campus map. Enter in the back of the building through the Red Doors. Advisor: Shannon Cross Advisor: Jeana Rae Conn Purpose is to stimulate interest in the hard and living sciences of Biology and Chemistry on and off campus, encourage friendships, and promote the exchange of ideas among students Advisor: Kasia Roberts Brothers and Sisters of Excellence (BSE) is designed to be a community for all students. BSE’s mission is to enhance the lives of Black students and those who want a culturally diverse college experience. Our organization promotes diversity and inclusion through small groups, events, and community involvement. BSE is here to acknowledge RSU's Black students while also promoting inclusiveness for all. All students are welcome and valued! All members must present a positive and respectful attitude towards other participants and faculty during BSE activities. You must be currently enrolled at Rogers State University. Advisor: Dr. Juliet Evusa Advisor: Katie Anderson The Casual Gaming Association is a student organization at RSU established to bring the RSU community together! We hold gaming sessions every week for students to enjoy. We also hold other casual gaming nights! Come keep in touch to find out what we're doing next. Chi Alpha is a non-denominational Christian student organization. Whether you are curious, lonely, or looking for something to do - come join us for friends, worship, and a great time. There are no membership requirements, and everyone is welcome! Purpose is to bring students into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, and to be a community of students who share a relationship with God and each other. Our weekly meetings are a time for students to get to know and hang out with each other, mixed with some praise and worship! We meet on Sundays with a meal at 7:30 pm and meeting at 8 pm at the AMP Station (1400 N HWY 88 Claremore, OK 74017). Purpose is to promote and support the philosophy of the Democratic Party, increase participation of college students in Democratic Party affairs and the political process, and educate students about the philosophies and principles of the Democratic Party Advisor: Dr. Kenneth Hicks The College Republicans organization at Rogers State University is a student-led organization that was established to be an open environment for students with an interest in the Republican Party. Our organization goal is to create a setting for like-minded students to come and participate and share their political opinions. Advisor: Dr. Paul Hatley Purpose is to equip students for life by encouraging them through their participation in a community centered on faith and purpose. A charter of Campus Ministry United. Advisor: Roxanne Bilby The Criminal Justice Society (CJS) enhances the educational experience of those interested in criminal justice and criminal behavior. CJS promotes academic excellence in order to make the Criminal Justice System and its practitioners more effective and ethical. The purposes of CJS shall be: Weekly Meetings: Tuesday’s | 4 pm | Herrington Hall, Room 129 Membership: Advisor: Rob Turner Purpose is to inform both campus and local communities about environmental conservation and its importance through campus and community involvement activities; ECOclub also serves to assist in the maintenance, management, and development of the RSU Scientific Field Research Station with the goal of implementing sustainable practices for the betterment of the environment. Eco-club is dedicated to connecting students to nature and environmental conservation through service, recreation, and education. The club hosts a variety of events from camping, hiking, and kayaking trips to service projects, community outreach activities, and educational presentations. Advisor: Dr. Jerry Bowen If you are interested in joining us, please reach out to [email protected] or join our GroupMe. Fusion welcomes everyone to join. There are no specific requirements. For all new members we ask that you fill out our information card so we can keep in contact and let you know of upcoming events. We also have a GroupMe! Advisor: Scott Neston Join us on Wednesdays @ 8 pm in the Fusion Building, 101 W 5th St, Claremore. The GOLD (Guard Officer Leadership Development) Program is a challenging premier leadership program available to Oklahoma National Guard Soldiers who attend Rogers State University. The academic leadership training you receive is built into your college curriculum. During classes, leadership labs, physical training and field training exercises you will learn firsthand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and conduct missions as an Army Officer. We host recruitment at the beginning of each Fall and Spring semester. Follow our social media account or email us to learn more about how you can join Kappa Phi. Advisor: Dr. Carla Lynch The National Communication Association’s official honor society at four-year colleges and universities. Purpose is to promote and encourage professional development, and to provide opportunities to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of Communication. Advisor: Tip Crowley An organization that provides a life-changing leadership program that helps students achieve personal growth, career success, and empowers them to have a positive impact in their communities. Advisor: Christi Mackey Native American Student Association (NASA) promotes a better understanding of American Indian students and people of this school, to use our resources and talents to promote good will and fellowship, to hold extra-curricular activities on and off campus, and to encourage each student to actively study his or her native background. NASA supports Native American students on campus by providing an opportunity for social and cultural gatherings. We hold a cultural festival in November for Native American Heritage Month and a graduation honor powwow in May as well as leadership opportunities for students. Students only need to show up to meetings which are announced on our Facebook group, RSU Native American Student Association. Advisor: Rebekah Warren Purpose is to educate and raise awareness about eating disorders on college campuses and the available support options. Advisor: Dr. Sonya Munsell The Oklahoma Aspiring Educators Association (OAEA) is a pre-professional organization of undergraduate and graduate students currently preparing for careers in education. OAEA is one of the largest student organizations in Oklahoma with local student programs at more than 25 university and college campuses. Advisor: Christi Mackey As the one and only fraternity on campus, Phi Delta Theta are dedicated to establishing a more dominant presence of our three pillars: friendship, sound learning, and rectitude. These help shape us into the best men that we can be and aid in facilitating lifelong relationships that impact campus, community, and fellow brothers. Advisor: Dr. Frank Grabowski Advisor: Dr. Jerry Bowen Advisor: Dr. Jerry Bowen Rogers State University’s President’s Leadership Class (PLC) is a four-year scholarship program designed to develop your leadership skills and enhance your academic experience. PLC provides an environment for a select number of exceptional RSU students to foster their personal and professional development. Advisor: Christi Mackey Faculty Advisors: Website: Psi Chi RSU Pride student organization focuses on education and acceptance regarding the LGBTQ+ community. We strive to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment on campus for any LGBTQ+ member or ally. We provide resources and educational materials about all aspects of LGBTQ+ identities and orientations from providing a support group on campus to listing therapists and/or medical professionals that actively support members of the community. You must be a current student at Rogers State University. We require our members to either be a member of the LGBTQ+ or a supportive ALLY to the LGBTQ+. You do not have to be out to join nor are you required to reveal your own orientation. There are no GPA or academic requirements. If you want to join but are not sure where you stand in regards to the community, contact us or come to one of our events and we can help you. Advisors: Kaitlin Crotty Advisor: Dr. Lori O'Malley Our mission is to establish and maintain an inclusive environment for all students at RSU, to challenge social conventions, and serve as a catalyst for personal growth and community action. Membership: Members must be a currently enrolled student at RSU and present a positive and respectful attitude towards other participants and faculty during any and all SJL activities. No GPA requirement. Meetings: 1st Monday of every month | 1 pm | Prep Hall, Room 313 Advisor: Christi Mackey The purpose of the Spanish Club is to educate students and the community about the Hispanic language and culture, to promote individual and campus knowledge and interest in Hispanic culture and to encourage friendship and the exchange of ideas among students. Advisor: Gioia Kerlin Our student ambassadors give our campus tours, attend high school recruitment events with our Recruiters, and more! If you love RSU and want to help future Hillcats, the Student Ambassador Program is right for you. Are you outgoing and love meeting new people? Or do you need volunteer hours for scholarships? Maybe you are just interested in helping other students see RSU for the first time. Or looking for an opportunity to boost your resume! The RSU Student Ambassadors might be a good fit for you. The Rogers State University Ambassador Program is open to all RSU students and is a great way to gain leadership and professionalism skills and get more involved on campus. Our mission is to represent the university positively and honestly to prospective students and their families. As a member, you will have the opportunity to recruit prospective students and their families while sharing your passion for RSU! Sponsors: Rogers State University art students come together regularly to celebrate artistic expression, promote the study of art, and complete community service projects through the Student Art Association. Here you will find support from your fellow student-artists and make lifelong friends. The Student Art Association is open to all majors. Advisor: Steven Rosser The Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC) serves as the liaison between the student-athlete body and the RSU faculty and staff. This organization seeks to enhance and further promote a positive overall university experience for student-athletes. Must be a student-athlete enrolled at Rogers State University. Two student-athletes from each competing sports team serve as the representatives for their sport. Representatives are chosen by coaches and/or prior SAAC representatives. Join us on the first Monday of each month at 7 pm in Herrington Hall 146. The Student Broadcasting Association (SBA) is specially focused in preparing the next generation of broadcast professionals and electronic media. SBA members include students who are interested in various professional positions in the electronic media. Members work closely with the state Oklahoma Broadcasting Education Association (OBEA) organization, which includes both comprehensive state universities and all regional institutions. Meetings: Every other Monday | 5:30 pm | Baird Hall, Room 133 Our Mission Advisor: Tip Crowley SGA serves as liaison between student body and administration and faculty, to provide a network of communication among the students, organizations, faculty, and administration throughout the institution that is RSU; and to serve as the body responsible for the coordination of actions by students on campus issues, which affect the entire student body. Email: [email protected] All students who are currently accepted into the Rogers State University Nursing Program are members of SNA. Advisor: Shaylene Chatham Student Theatre Organization is comprised of RSU students who take an interest in theatre, whether it be in sound, lighting, set design, costume design, acting, or playwriting. Members assist in bringing productions to life each semester for students and the surrounding community. RSU Theatre attends each annual Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival to compete for scholarships and awards. STO strives enhance the campus and surrounding community through various forms of entertainment and art that should include but is not limited to; plays, productions, monologues, enactments and readings. Faculty Sponsor: Dr. David Blakely Advisor: Sally Emmons Yesterday's Warriors. Today's Scholars. Tomorrow's Leaders. Advisor: David Bath An honor society dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Advisor: Dr. Jerry Bowen
Website: Alpha Sigma TauStop by and check us out!
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The RSU Bass Fishing Team provides opportunities for members to compete on a collegiate level of tournament bass fishing and to gain knowledge of competing in such a format. Collegiate anglers traveling the country competing against other collegiate anglers. There is a required membership fee of $20. Members must also purchase a team jersey that displays sponsors that support our team financially.
Campus Activities Team (CAT) is an organization within Student Affairs which enriches the college experience through social, educational and cultural activities and events throughout the year. You can have the chance to be an integral part of events geared at enhancing the student experience.
Website: Campus Activities Team (CAT)Join Us!
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Main Objectives
Fusion is a college ministry branch of First Baptist Church of Claremore. We welcome everyone! We meet once a week for food, worship, a devotional, and to just hang out. We regularly serve Rogers State, the city of Claremore, and various others. We also have a girls and guys bible study if you are interested.
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Beta Xi Chapter of Kappa Phi at Rogers State University. Have you considered how you can grow in your faith while attending Rogers State University? Are you looking for a way to get involved on campus with a group of Christian women? If so, Kappa Phi is the organization for you! Kappa Phi is a lifelong supportive Christian sisterhood expressed through service, study, and worship. Kappa Phi allows women to feel a sense of Christ-like sisterhood while embodying the phrase “Come As You Are”. Although we are represented by Greek letters, we are not considered an official sorority. We are The Kappa Phi Club.
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Email: [email protected]Connect with Us!
Website: Phi Delta ThetaPurpose is to cultivate relationships among students interested in Dental and expose members to volunteering and shadowing opportunities.
Purpose is to provide information and guidance about post-undergrad application processes and to expose its members to volunteering and shadowing opportunities offered in their particular field of interest.
Website: President’s Leadership Class (PLC)Psi Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology, was founded in 1929 with a mission to encourage excellence in scholarship and advance the science of psychology. It was the first student organization affiliated with the American Psychological Association. The Rogers State University chapter was founded in 2003 and is the first baccalaureate Honor Society established at our institution.
Sexual Health Organization & Outreach (SHOO) is a group of RSU students interested in spreading sex positivity by educating students and de-stigmatizing sexual health and sexually transmitted infections. SHOO aims to be an inclusive safe space for all students to discover their personal sexual pleasures and make informed decisions regarding their sexual health, including whether or not to engage in sexual activity.
The Social Justice League (SJL) at Rogers State University is a student organization that is open to all students interested in Social Justice.
The Student Ambassador Program serves as the liaison between the public and the university, to provide an inside look of Hillcat Nation, streamline communication between professors, students, and staff.
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Main Objectives
Website: SGASWO is a group where students interested writing can come together to express themselves. It is a place for constructive criticism and feedback that assist aspiring poets, lyricists, authors, etc. in their craft. The club will function as a center to brainstorm ideas for new written works as well.
The Student Veterans Association (SVA) is for any interested student veterans who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. military.