The Social Justice League student organization in the Department of Psychology and Sociology recently completed its “Pad the Prof” contest featuring a competition between two faculty members, Dr. Lori O’Malley and Christi Mackey.
The “Pad the Prof” competition transpired throughout the month of October in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness month. Students were asked to place donations of feminine hygiene products in tubs supporting either faculty member. These items would later be donated to Safenet Services, an organization whose mission is to provide support for women and families healing from the consequences of domestic violence and sexual assault.
In the spirit of friendly competition, the faculty members taunted each other while bolstering the enthusiasm of students in the department and their philanthropic efforts. “This was a great way for students to become active and show support for a community agency and the people it serves.” said O’Malley. Mackey commented that, “the competition provided an opportunity for meaningful dialogue on a topic that is highly stigmatized in society.” Both agreed the contest was a great opportunity to discuss the taboo surrounding menstruation and the economic costs associated with these products.
The highlight of the contest was watching the loser get a pie in the face by the winner. However, according to O’Malley (who got a pie in the face), “there was no real loser and the real highlight was seeing the amount of hygiene products donated.” It was estimated that over 150 packages of disposable menstrual products were donated to Safenet.