What is dating violence?
Dating violence is abusive and violent behavior in a dating type relationship. It can be a long term or short term affiliation. It reflects the perpetrator’s desire to control and dominate the victim. It can happen in both heterosexual and homosexual connection. It covers a wide range of behavior that includes verbal, emotional, sexual, and physical violence and abuse.
Incidence of University Dating Violence
- 32% of university students report dating violence by a previous partner and 21% report violence by their current partner.
- In 39%-54% of dating violence cases victims remain in the physically abusive relationships.
- 60% of acquaintance rapes on university campuses occur in casual or steady dating relationships.
- An estimated 5% of university women experience a completed or attempted rape in a giver year.
- In one year, more than 13% of college women indicated they had been stalked (42% by a boyfriend or ex-boyfriend).
- 51% of university males admit perpetrating one or more sexual assault incidents while attending a university.
Influence of Alcohol and Drugs
- 75% of men and 55% of women involved in acquaintance rape had been drinking or taking drugs prior to the incident.
Reporting Victimization
- 50% of dating violence victims will report the violence to someone else: of these, 88% report the violence to a friend and 20% to law enforcement.
- 44% of victims raped by a steady boyfriend or spouse report the assault compared to 77% of victims raped by a stranger.
- The beliefs that dating violence is a private matter or not important enough and fear of reprisal are most reasons given for not reporting the violence.
Examples of verbal or emotional abuse:
- name-calling
- threats
- screaming
- yelling
- ridiculing
- criticizing
- emotional blackmailing
- stalking
Examples of sexual abuse:
- verbal sexual abuse such as sexual slurs or attacks on the victim’s gender or sexual orientation
- unwanted sexual touching and kissing
- intimidation to force the victim to engage in any kind of sexual activity
- rape
Examples of physical abuse:
- shoving
- punching
- slapping
- pinching
- hitting
- kicking
- hair pulling
- choking
- use of a weapon
- any other acts causing physical harm
Source: http://www.ncvc.org