In recognition that knowledge, opportunity and understanding transcend national and cultural boundaries, Rogers State University’s Center for Studies-at-Large is committed to providing a globally competitive education.
The Center will work in conjunction with departments and faculty to coordinate the details surrounding student learning trips.
We encourage faculty who are interested in developing a course to speak with their department head and dean and then talk with us about the logistics of such an undertaking.
We encourage students to make suggestions for future learning opportunities and to discuss all facets of student travel with our office.
We encourage the broader Green Country community to actively participate in our trips offering Continuing Education credit when appropriate.
Course Credit
A student enrolled in a Studies-at-Large course is earning course credit; therefore, the course will be considered part of the student’s enrollment status for determining Title IV financial aid eligibility.
Mission and Purpose
In order to advance international learning, scholarship, respect and leadership, the Center for Studies-at-Large at Rogers State University pursues the following objectives:
- Encourage globally aware curricula
- Provide multicultural activities and programs
- Encourage the continued growth of language programs
- Encourage cultural and ethnic studies
- Promote study-at-large and study abroad programs
- Promote faculty and student exchange programs
- Encourage professional development
- Advocate local, state, national and international forums
- Facilitate international student enrollment
Our purposes are multilayered:
- First, we want to create opportunities for students and faculty to learn about cultures and peoples through first hand interaction and experiences.
- Second, we want to promote RSU as a regional university with global outreach and goals.
- Third, we want to provide opportunities for students interested in service learning to pursue such activities and to realize their role in the broader world.